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[SECC] Upcoming activity

Subject: [SECC] Upcoming activity
From: (Ed Sleight)
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2001 18:38:17 +0000
I'm envious of Gary's new 2L on 40, which is my weakest band.  I don't
have room for a 2L and I tried a wire beam which was more trouble than
it was worth, so I'm back to two dipoles at right angles.  But at least
they are both a bit higher than last year, so I'll try to be optimistic.
Anyone else want to volunteer your schedule?
 Jay, K4OGG

I've got 2 projects in the mill for 40. One is a inductance loaded
"shorty" and the other a wire beam. Hope to be able to wind the coils
today, but typically for others I have built, the top length will come
in at about 45' +/-

My present 40 is a dipole strung between 2 70' towers aimed at 050
degrees and it works well.

The other day I was messing with EZNEC, and just for fun, added a
wire out about 50 feet from the dipole. It shows over 3 db gain over the
dipole alone, has about 8 db F/B and the match is still close to 50
ohms. Have moved the wire in to less than 50 feet and not too much
change. I have also found that making the extra wire a reflector will
reverse the pattern.

Will let you guys know.

BTW Jay, with those 2 dipoles at right angles, you need to find a way to
detune the one you're not using. If not, the pattern is skewed badly.

Gary, what about some details on the one you put up. Bob, K4CY has a
full grown 3 element down the street from me, and he's in Kuwait for a

Believe me, that thing tempts me every time I go by.


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