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[SECC] KS4Q DX Cluster

Subject: [SECC] KS4Q DX Cluster
From: (K4SB)
Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2001 18:39:24 +0000

Bill Fisher W4AN wrote:
> Ed & Ernie,
> Will the local packet cluster be tied to the internet packet cluster
> system?

Sorry guys, I thought I had mentioned this, but YES, AR cluster
software has the ability to connect to 2 different internet clusters,
and it will so be.

Plus, I can feed another internet cluster to Ernie. AR has the ability
to eliminate "dupes" ( will not show the same spot within 5 mins? if
it gets it from another source. So if Ernie's internet showed "P5XX"
at 1300, and my internet showed the same, but at 1301, my spot would
be ignored. This feature is not in the AK1A software.

Also, I feel I might have left the wrong impression in the original
message. ALL donations will go to Ernie. I'll pay my own way.

BTW, Bill has 3 Alphas, a 76A ( hidden under a pile of junk ), the
monster 5 KW job, and the black autotune one. Also, that big Viking
antenna tuner. We also found a brand spanking new Kenwood TS-950 never
opened in the pile.


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