Hello guys:
Those of you who work CW may hear members of a club called FOC
exchanging greetings with each other, especially during a 48-hour
contest called the FOC Marathon each February. That is a "closed"
event, open only to members. Membership is limited to 500 worldwide and
nominations are required. Soliciting membership for oneself is
considered a 'no-no.' The late W4AN was a member as are myself, K4EWG,
K4UEE, N4XP, and K4OAH. Hope I didn't leave anybody off. I think W4BQF
is in line to received a membership invitation soon.
On Saturday, October 16, the FOC club will have an "open" 24-hour
operating event to help the members gain "points" for club awards, but
also to get to meet non-members. See the information below from Art,
KZ5D, who suggested the event. CW operators might want to participate
for some good CW QSOs and to meet FOC members that they might not
regularly QSO. Nominations for membership require certification of
having worked the nominee on at least two bands over the past year. So,
if anyone in FOC asks you to QSY to another band with them, you might
want to do so if you can.
The FOC group usually operates around 025-035 on the older HF bands,
but, of course, you will find them almost anywhere. I'd think for this
even that most activity would be between 015 and 035 with the lower
frequencies being used more on the lower bands.
There are no rewards except the enjoyment of the QSOs plus the claimed
results may be posted based on the honor (club is based in the UK, so
they say "honour") system.
Hope some of you will enjoy this event. Please let me know if you have
any questions. (If you hear anyone send "161," it is the total of 73
and 88 and means regards to you and your spouse or you and your family.)
John, K4BAI.
A new Event called Bill Windle QSO Party by KZ5D
The Event: The Bill Windle QSO Party. Stations call CQ BW
This is an operating event, not a contest.
Duration: 24 hours. 0000Z to 2359Z on Saturday, 16 October 2004.
This is a date for our usual Activity Day
Object: FOC members ? To make as many different Windle QSOs as
possible. VHF bands are included but WARC bands are excluded. Members
are encouraged to work non-members to encourage the practice of
operating on CW. This provides an opportunity to hear other operating
practices of others who may be considered for nomination in the future.
Non-Members ? To contact as many FOC members as possible on all amateur
bands except the WARC bands, including VHF.
Exchange: For FOC members: RST, Name, & FOC Number.
Non-members: RST & Name
Frequencies: CW portions of all appropriate bands, from 015 to 045.
Top Band: Avoid the DX Window
Activity Report: Members are encouraged to send in the total number
of QSOs & FOC members contacted during the activity period. The report
should also include the number of non-members contacted. Each member can
be contacted only once per band. The report is similar in format to the
monthly Windle updates. For example: 522/295 where the first number is
the total QSOs, followed by the total FOC members. Each band QSO counts
separately, so if you work an FOC member on 3 bands, you count 3 QSOs.
Non-members report total number of FOC members contacted. The report can
be e-mailed, or snail mailed. No logs, no verification, only the honour
system. Scores may be submitted to KZ5D@AOL.com
An alphabetical listing by call signs of the activity reports will be
listed on the FOC web page and printed in either the News Sheet or
Focus. No awards will be given as this is not a contest. QSO?s with
members may count towards the annual Windle award where they meet the
Windle award rules (ie. Where the QSO is on a band that has not been
claimed for, in any other month of the year). This is the primary intent
of the activity. The secondary intent is to foster better relationships
with non-members and encourage the use of CW by all.