Hello all:
Here are the results of the vote for treasurer for SECC for the rest of
the current term:
Nominated: K4OGG. Declined.
Nominated: K4AQ. Declined.
Nominated: K4SB. (2 nominations). K4SB accepted with the following
stipulation: For the remainder of this officer year (traditionally 1
August to 31 July) and he will disburse funds only by written
authorization of the president and vice-president by invoice, e-mail or
regular mail with exact amounts. I see no problem with Ed's stipulation
so Ed is the Treasurer of SECC through July 31, 2005.
At this time, the club has no funds except those that Jay, K4OGG, is
holding pending notification of the recepients of plaques for the 2004
Ga QSO Party. Jay shoould continue to do that and pay the plaque
manufacturer upon receipt of his invoice.
Congratulations and thanks to Ed.
Now, let's all enjoy the ARRL Sweepstakes contest.
John, K4BAI.