1. EA RTTY Contest
K9MUG/4 419 181 254,486 13 hrs. SOABHP
W4UK 397 165 155,595 13.4 SOABHP SC
WX4TM 112 83 20,418 SOABHP AL
KF4OPX 105 59 17,287 SOABLP AL
K4AQ 70 43 6,493 5.9 SOABQRP
AD4Y 52 25 3,996 ~2 SOABLP
2. SP DX Contest
Call CW Q Ph Q Mult Score Time Category
N4GG 103 7 41 13,530 4 SOABMixHP
K4BAI 25 2 17 1,377 1.6 SOTBMixHP
3. Missouri QSO Party
K4BAI 21 0 14 1,988 1.4 SOABHP Incl bonus pts for W0MA
AE4Y 9 2 8 160 ~1 SOABLP
K4IR 9 0 8 144 SOABQRP
N4PN was also pretty active on Sunday, but hasn't posted his score yet.
4. QCWA QSO Party
K4BAI 142 73 20,659
Also worked K4LW and N4GG.
5. April Spartan Sprint QRP Contest.
K4BAI 89 89
Also worked N4GG, K4JPN (GA).
Hope those in our area who are not already in the SECC will visit our
website and join and contribute to aggregate club scores and general
contest discussions on the reflector.
Don't forget the Ga QSO Party this weekend. It is sponsored by SECC and
SEDXC and we need to make a good showing from Georgia so there will be
fun for all. http://gqp.contesting.com.
John, K4BAI.