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[SECC] New projects

Subject: [SECC] New projects
From: k4sb at (K4SB)
Date: Fri, 06 May 2005 04:08:12 +0000

Bill Coleman wrote:
> On Apr 24, 2005, at 3:12 PM, Greg Richard wrote:
> > What projects/station improvements is everyone working on/have planned
> > for the next couple of months?

> Tuning is tricky, and I have to improvise a bit. (Anyone
> have a 3-30 MHz spectrum analyser they can loan me?)

I have a 0 to 14 mHz rf scope I'm planning to sell. Don't know if that
would do the job.
> 2) RTTY. I've come across a really exciting program for RTTY and PSK31
> that runs on my PowerBook. It is called CocoaModem, and was written by
> Kok Chen, K7AY. (See Kok is an old
> correspondent of mine, and an ex-Apple employee. (Well, I think he is
> ex-Apple, now that he is living in Oregon) I'm about 90% done on an
> interface box for my K2.

No, Chen still works for some outfit in CA, ( maybe Apple ) and spends
the weekdays there. And his programs are something else! BTW, Bob
Furzer has recently released a new version of Logger32. That program
will do so many things I can't even begin to describe them.

For me, I have a 3 element M^2 40 meter beam which has been sitting in
the basement for the last 4 months waiting for me to find time to
assemble it. But, I'm just finished
"finishing" the majority of the basement ( 3000 sq. feet ) and am
about 2 days from starting to paint it. I would really like to fly
that 40. Mast and all already set up.
( moved the big 5 element 20 up 10' on the mast )

Pulled the pool cover today, and have a LOT of work to do to clean it
up. Also, landscaping the lawn. Right now, looks like this will be my
last year at this QTH. Just too much for 1 person to keep up.
Incidentally, the house sits on the highest elevation in Paulding
County. I can look down on Furzer's 3 element 40 at 100' from the top
of my
70' 15 meter tower. 

Also, am converting the hamshack machine to XP, but can't get that
*()&^$ dual head monitor ( Matrox ) to work correctly right now. May
be a case of having to reverse the 2 inputs.

I need a slave!


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