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Subject: [SECC] K6VVA/P CQP Photos
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 10:05:35 -0400
Hello all SECCers.  Good luck in CQP.  Thought the message below from 
K6VVA sent after the CQP practice session last night might be of 
interest, particularly the photos.  I doubt my XYL would have approved 
of them, hi.  Look forward to hearing you all in CQP this weekend.  73, 
John, K4BAI.

Hi, John:

I was ultra-QLF tonight, and VERY surprised when you called me on 80m, 
'cuz only 100w via a 50ft length of coax into the house which connected 
to another 150ft of coax to my Windom.

Hope 80m is this good on Saturday Night, 'cuz I *should* have 800w and 
be up at 1,350ft AMSL with a downhill sloping shot to the U.S.  I'll be 
interested to know if you notice any difference in my signal compared to 



 > Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 23:19:24 -0700
 > To: nccc at
 > From: Eric Hilding <dx35 at>
 > Subject: Locust CQP-Mobile Pix
 > Cc: k6xx at
 > I just added a couple of pix of the Locus CQP-Mobile where I operated 
in the driveway tonight:
 > Besides getting eaten by a multitude of bugs, no rig control, and not 
getting an amp set up in time, my apologies to K6XX, KF6T and a few 
others for extreme QLF.  I had just reconfigured all my X-Keys and 
discovered some "bugs" there as well.  Since the tiny trailer is only 
about 4.5ft high inside, I need to get some heavy padding for my head in 
case I forget and stand up to scratch, etc. ;-(
 > With no rig control, K6XX got a "worked before" (Dupe) message 'cuz I 
forgot to manually change bands in WriteLog, which was configured to 
send SBEN, so yet another Klutz-O moment K6XX had to endure. 
Sorrrrrrry, OM!
 > THANK GOD for these "Practice" sessions right before the real deal.
 > 73 & KB to all in CQP 2005,
 > Rick, K6VVA * The Locust ... off to SBEN tomorrow night!

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