1. Pennsylvania QSO Party
Call CW Q Ph Q Mults Score Category Time Notes
N4PN 243 479 67 61,563 SOHP 21
K4SAV 202 116 66 30,669 SOHP 17 1200 bonus pts
KN6RO 11 404 65 27,332.5 SOHP 12.5
K4BAI 159 114 60 24,250 SOHP 10:50 1000 bonus pts
W4NTI 150 39 54 17,130 SOLP 10
KU8E 114 49 57 13,737 SOLP --
K4LW 117 22 51 11,361 SOLP 8 600 bonus pts
NA4BW 45 24 34 7,736 SOQRP 3.5
N4GG 34 0 21 913.5 SOHP 2
2. Oceania DX Contest, CW
N4GG 19 17 1,700 SOABHP 2
K4BAI 3 3 12 SOABHP 0:03
3. Makrothen RTTY Contest
K9MUG 427 2,651,385 SO/1Tcvr/HP 14
4. NA Sprint RTTY
WW4LL 99 22 2,178 SOLP 4
5. 10-10 Day Sprint
K4BAI 43 63 Individual 5:06
6. FISTS Club Fall Sprint
K4BAI 146 47 33,464 QRO 4
7. NAQCC QRP CW September Sprint
K4BAI 15 11 628 5W Handkey 1:04
Hope everyone has a nice week. I'll try to address next weekend's
contests later in the week, but I know there is a FOC Club Bill Windle
QSO Party (open to all) on Saturday and the Illinois QSO Party is
Sunday. Also, the JARTS WW RTTY Contest, Asia-Pacific Fall CW Sprint,
the RSGB (UK) 21/28 mhz CW Contest, and the pretty popular Worked All
Germany contest on both modes.
John, K4BAI.