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[SECC] KU8E SS Plans

Subject: [SECC] KU8E SS Plans
From: ae4y at (AE4Y)
Date: Fri, 04 Nov 2005 14:51:58 -0500
To fix this problem, go into Config on the entry window, then Config 

Click on Set beside LPT1 and set the Radio/VFO setting to "Both"

This is a bug that cropped up in a recent version.  Using the Both 
setting corrects it until N1MM can find the root cause.

Kent, AE4Y

ku8e at wrote:
> I next tried the N1MM program. I am getting an error about a
> dlportio.dll file missing when I set LPT1 as the keying port. This is
> the port I am using from my DX Doubler to key the radios.  This error
> crashes the program and the only way to make it go away is to
> reinstall the program. Once you set the LPT1 port in the settings it
> just crashes again with the same error. I'm not sure I want to use
> N1MM in SS anyway since It is still an unproven progarm for me.

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