Call QSOs S/P DX Score Category Time State Notes
K4EA 1265 59 67 159,390 SOHP 23 GA SO2R
K9MUG 1209 57 62 144,871 SOHP 22 AL SO2R
WX4TM 1205 57 61 142,190 SOHP 20 AL
WA1FCN 908 54 37 82,719 SOLP 22 AL
KE4KWE 837 57 41 82,026 SOLP 20 AL
KR4F 526 50 45 49,970 M/S HP 20 AL
K4HAL 495 51 30 40,095 SOHP 10.5 AL
KC4HW 522 50 26 39,672 SOLP 10 AL
AA4LR 503 54 20 37,222 SOHP 10 GA
N4CBK 429 53 26 33,891 SOLP 15 AL
N4NX 326 81 26,406 SOLP ? GA
K4SB 262 ? 20,174 ? ? GA
K4LW 265 49 9 15,370 SOLP 8 GA
KG4CUY 232 47 15 14,384 SOLP 8 AL
K4OD 244 51 7 14,152 SOLP 16.25 GA
AE4Y 200 41 8 9,800 SOLP 4.5 GA
KF4OPX 177 43 8 9,027 SOLP 8 AL
KN6RO 143 38 24 8,866 SOHP 3:10 GA
KU5B 84 30 3 3,108 M/S LP ~3 TX
If you live and operated within the circle of your club, be sure you
include your club affiliation as there is a club competition for this
contest (thanks to K4HAL for the reminder).
This weekend's contests: There are a bunch of small contests on the
webpages, but only two that I think we are likely to make contacts in:
1. North American QSO Party, CW. 18Z Sat to 06Z Sun. Maximum of 10
hours. 100 watt output limit. Exchange: Name and State, Province or
NA country abbreviation. Name only for stations outside North America
(some logging programs may require you to fill in "DX" in the QTH
section). 160-10 CW. Mults count once per band. ACG and SECC will
have teams. Don't let your teammates down! Suggested frequencies:
1815, 3535, 7035, 14035, 21035 and 28035. Avoid the use of 1830-1840
except possibly to work DX. Short reporting period of 14 days.
2. Michigan QRP Club January CW Contest. 12Z Sat to 2359Z Sun. (Note
the times are wrong on the headline of the MiQRP Club webpage). 160-6M
CW. Exchange: RST, SPC, and MiQRP club member # or power output.
Multipliers for homebrew gear. You can work this QRP contest before and
after the NAQP. Usual frequencies for QRP contests are 3560, 7040,
14060, 21060, and 28060.
Hope everyone has a good weekend and a lot of QSOs. 73, John, K4BAI.