Last week's contests, claimed scores:
1. NCCC Ladder 3/7
K4BAI 34 18 612 SOLP 0.5 GA At WA4ILO
2. NCJ North American Sprint RTTY
W4HOD 75 18 1,350 SOLP 4 AL
Call CW Q Ph Q Mult Score Category Time State Notes
3. Oklahoma QSO Party
N4PN 172 47 76 46,360 SOHP 15 GA
N4JF 93 13 58 17,690 SOQRP 15 AL
K2SX 105 0 49 15,435 SOHP 5.2 SC
K4BAI 77 12 55 14,025 SOHP 5:31 GA
NA4BW 59 0 42 7,434 SOQRP 6:20 GA
4. Wisconsin QSO Party
N4PN 101 63 56 14,840 SOF HP 5.5 GA
K4BAI 17 0 15 570 SOF HP 0:24 GA
5. Idaho QSO Party
Call CW Q Ph Q CW M Ph M Score Category Time State Notes
K4BAI 5 5 3 4 91 SOHP 0:52 GA
This Week's Contests:
1. 40M QRP Fox Hunt. Thursday night local. 0100-0230Z Friday. 2
Foxes between 7030 and 7050. 5W max power. Exchange: RST, SPC, power.
Work only the two foxes.
2. SNS Slow Speed NA Sprint Practice. Thursday local, 0200-0215Z
Friday. 80/40M CW. Exchange: Both calls, #, name, SPC. Max speed 22
WPM. Dupes OK after band change or one intervening QSO. One kHZ QSY rule.
3. NCCC Ladder Week Two. Thursday local, 0230-0259Z Friday. 160-20M
CW. Exchange: Both calls, #, name, SPC. Dupes OK after band change or
one intervenng QSO. One kHz QSY rule.
4. Russian DX Contest. 12Z Sat to 12Z Sun. CW, SSB, 160-10M. RS(T)
+ serial # or two letter Russian Obl abbreviation. Everyone can work
everyone. Everyone can use packet cluster. Club competition with a
500 km diameter circle surrounding the "HQ station."
5. 10-10 Club Mobile Contest. 0001 to 2359Z Saturday. 10 meters only,
any mode. Exchange: Name + SPC + 10-10 # if you have one + US/VE/G county.
6. Virginia QSO Party. 18Z Sat to 02Z Mon. CW/Ph/Dig on all bands
except WARC bands. Exchange: Serial # + SPC or Va county/independent
city abbreviation (see website for a list of abbreviations).
7. March Flying Pigs QRP Club Run for the Bacon. Sunday night local,
01-03Z Monday. 160-10M CW, 5W maximum. Exchange: RST + SPC + FP# or
I'll be in the Thursday night events after the local radio club meeting.
On Friday afternoon, I am driving to W8JI's station for an
orientation on his all band contest station. I will spend Friday night
there and make a serious effort in the Russian DX Contest using the SECC
club call, W4AN, all bands CW only, in the General class bands. I hope
to work many SECC and ACG members and hope that many of you will
participate and enjoy this fun contest. The sponsors are asking for
exact frequencies in submitted logs, if possible, so hook up compter
control of the rig if you can. This is one of the big counters for the
next WRTC to be held near Moscow in 2010. I don't have much of a chance
to qualify, but will be giving it my best effort.
I have a tennis match back home Sunday afternoon and, if still
conscious, or if I wake up, will be in the FP RFTB QRP on Sunday night.
If I run into Va QSO Party stations, I will certainly give them a point.
That is a fun state QSO party, with a lot of activity on both CW and SSB.
Hope everyone has a good week and weekend. 73, John, K4BAI.