Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
Call QSOs DXC Area Cont Score Category Time State Notes
KE4KWE 484 65 52 6 339,768 SOABLP 16 AL
K4HAL 433 48 53 6 262,398 SOABHP 10 AL
K1ZZI/4 406 44 22 6 160,776 SOSB/40HP 8+ GA
K4JAF 127 39 29 5 43,180 SOABLP __ FL
K4EA 79 13 16 4 9,164 SOSB/15HP 6 GA
K4OD 34 8 14 2 7,072 SOABLP 4.25 GA
2. 3/21/08 NCCC Ladder Week#3
N4OGW 51 27 1,377 SOLP 0.5 MS
K4BAI 50 25 1,250 SOLP 0.5 GA
3. SKCC Weekday Straight Key Sprint
K4ZGB 39 20 920 AL
This week's been contest is CQ WPX SSB. Please look for many of us from
the M/M station NQ4I. We will want to work everyone on all six bands.
We can tell you on one band what frequencies we are using on the other
bands, so you can easily QSY for another QSO.
1. Thursday night 40M QRP Fox Hunt. 0100-0230Z Friday. 7030-7050 kHz.
5 watts maximum. Work only the two foxes, K4BAI and K2QO. Exchange:
RST, SPC, Name, Power.
2. NCCC Thursday Night Practice Session. 0230-0259Z Friday. 160-20M
SSB, any power. Exchange: Both Calls, #, Name, State. Dupes allowed
after band change or one intervening QSO. One kHz QSY rule. This will
be a good shake down for CQ WPX SSB. Check out your voice keyers, etc.
3. Slow Speed NS. 0200-0215Z Friday (Thursday Local). 40 and 80M CW.
Low power. Exchange: Both calls, #, Name, SPC. Maxmimum 22 WPM.
4. CQ WPX SSB Contest. 48 hours UTC of the weekend. Exchange: RS +
Serial #. Work everyone for points and mults, including your own
country. 160-10M SSB. Single ops: 36 hour maximum.
Hope everyone has a FB weekend and a lot of QSOs. I will appreciate any
QRP calls on 40 tonight, but recognize that skip will be too long for
many of you. 73, John, K4BAI.