Hello all: There is a 2-hour QRP CW Sprint each 5th Wednesday night.
So, next Wednesday night there will be one July 31 UTC 0100 to 0300, or
9-11PM EDT, 8-10 PM CDT. Work every station, but get bonus points for
working "Barbers" meaning all stations with ESE suffixes. That would
include SECC member AA4NN Joe in SC, who has the K5ESE call as a club
call. QSOs and mults are counted per band 80, 40, 20M CW. All
information at: http://www.io.com/~n5fc/barbershop_contest.htm.
Get out a rig that can run 5 watts or less and join in the fun! 72/72,
John, K4BAI.