1. Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests
1. North American QSO Party, CW
K4TD 1256 258 323,790 M/2LP 10.25 AL K4TD + K4NO
N4PN 853 221 188,513 SOLP 10 GA
W4OC 780 227 177,060 SOLP 9.75 SC SECC#1
K9MUG 779 183 142,557 SOLP 10 AL ACG#1
N4OX 754 186 140,998 SOLP 10 FL ACG#1
N4KG 614 205 125,870 SOLP 9:12 AL
K1ZZI 682 179 122,078 SOLP 9.6 GA SECC#1
KU8E 628 172 108,016 SOLP 10 GA SECC#1
KR4F 535 166 88,810 SOLP 9.6 AL ACG#1
N3ZL 431 141 60,771 SOLP 10 SC SECC#1
K4ZGB 445 131 58,295 SOLP 9:30 AL ACG#1
N4NM 301 131 39,431 SOLP 7.25 AL ACG#2
NA4BW 308 128 39,424 SOQRP 9:50 GA SECC#1
W4XO 270 126 34,020 SOLP 9 GA SECC#2
KG4CUY 231 93 21,483 SOLP 6.5 AL ACG#2
K4HAL 218 91 19,838 SOLP 5 AL ACG#2
KC4HW 204 79 16,116 SOLP 5 AL ACG#2
KB4KBS 173 88 15,224 SOLP 10 GA SECC#2
W4NTI 151 80 12,080 SOLP 3 AL ACG#1
K4OD 121 67 8,107 SOLP 5.5 GA
W4BW 115 62 7,130 SOLP 3:27 GA SECC#2
Team Scores:
SECC#1 507,349
ACG#1 442,740
ACG#2 96,868 + KY5R
SECC#2 56,374
I forgot to contact N4PN off reflector to ask him on a SECC team. Think
N4KG signed up after the two ACG teams were filled. Good job by all,
particularly dodging thunderstorms. Sorry I missed NAQP CW this year.
2. NCCC NAQP Practice 8/1
K4BAI 46 35 1,610 SOLP 0.5 GA
3. NCCC NAQP Practice 8/2
K4BAI 37 33 1,221 SOLP 0.5 GA
4. 10-10 International Summer Phone Contest
K4BAI 89 147 SOHP 1:10 GA
5. ARRL UHF Contest
N1LF 16 756 SOLP 18 AL
6. August 2008 Adventure Radio Society QRP Spartan Sprint
K4BAI 29 29 SOQRP5W 1:01 GA
I also had 79 QSOs as one of the QRP Foxes Tuesday night, including the
deemed contacted two foxes and excluding one 100W station who called in,
but didn't count.
This Week's Contests:
1. NCCC NA Sprint Practice
Thursday night local, Friday 0230-0300Z. 160-20M CW. 100W maximum
power. Exchange: Both calls, #, Name, SPC. This week (only) no dupes
on same band. Usual 1 and 5 kHz QSY rule. The slow speed practice,
SNS, will be 0200-0215. Maximum speed 22 WPM. Otherwise, rules same
except dupes after one intervening QSO are OK and bands are 80-20.
2. Worked All Europe DX Contest, CW. 48 hours of Sat/Sun UTC. 80-10M
CW. Exchange: RST + QSO #. QTC feature allows points for sending a
maximum of 10 QTCs (time, call, and # received of past QSOs) to Eu
stations. Each QTC can be sent only once. This is also the start of the
WAE 60th Anniversary competition, which will run through the end of WAE
SSB in September.
3. Straight Key Century Club Weekend Sprintathon.
24 hours of Sunday UTC. 160-10M CW. Use a hand key or bug. Exchange:
name + SPC + SKCC# or power.
4. Maryland=DC QSO Party: 16Z Sat to 04Z Sun. 16-2359Z Sun. 160 -
432 (excluding 222). CW/Digital, Phone. Exchange: SPC or MD county
(or DC) + entry class. Classes are: Standard, Mobile, Club, QRP.
5. North American QRP CW Club August Sprint. 0030-0230 UTC Wed
(Tuesday night local). 5W Max CW. 80-10M. Exchange: RST + SPC +
NAQCC# or power.
Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend with a lot of QSOs. Protect
yourself from the effects of the heat! 73, John, K4BAI.