Last week's claimed scores:
1. Ohio QSO Party
Call CW Q Ph Q CW M Ph M Score Category Time State Notes
K4BAI 179 180 73 62 72,630 SOHP 12 GA
N4PN 155 174 73 69 68,728 SOHP 11 GA
K4ZGB 101 62 53 37 23,760 SOLP 8 AL
K4OD 88 73 44 47 22,659 SOLP 10 GA
NA4BW 31 16 28 14 3,276 SOLP 2 GA
KY5R 0 60 0 37 2,200 SOLP 2.5 AL
2. NCCC NA Sprint Practice 8/22/08
K4BAI 48 7 336 SOLP 0.5 GA
3. Hawaii QSO Party
K4BAI 0 1 152 SOHPPh 0:01 GA
This week's contests:
1. NCCC NA Sprint Practice (Internet Sprint Rules). 0230-0259 UTC
Friday (Thursday local). 40/20M only CW, 100W limit. 1 kHz QSY after
QSO; 5 kHz QSY after CQ. Dupes OK after THREE intervening QSOs. Mults
count per band. Exchange: Both calls, #, Name, SPC.
2. SNS Slow Speed NA Sprint Practice. 0200-0215Z Friday (Thurs local).
80/40/20M CW. 100W limit. 23 WPM max. 1 kHz QSY rule. Dupes OK
after one intervening QSO. Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. It has
occurred to me that I never report SNS scores. Please don't think that
it means I don't participate. I usually check in to or NCS the GA State
CW net at 02Z and then work as many SNS stations as I can find before
0215Z. So, get on and let's have a slower speed CW QSO. If anyone else
reports a score, I'll start including those in the weekly summaries.
3. Slovenian Contest Club (SCC) RTTY Championship. 12Z Sat to 1159Z
Sun. 80-10M RTTY. Exchange: RST + 4 digit first year licensed.
4. Romanian (YO) DX HF Contest. 12Z Sat to 12Z Sun. CW and SSB.
80-10M. Exchange: RS(T) + serial # or YO county abbreviation. Work
5. Michigan QRP Club Labor Day CW Sprint. 23Z Mon to 03Z Tues.
(Monday-Labor Day night local.) 160-6M CW. Exchange: RST + SPC +
MiQRP member # or power.
6. 20M QRP Fox Hunt. Tuesday night local, Wednesday 0100-0230Z.
14050-14070. Work only the two QRP Foxes, who will send CQ FOX.
Exchange: RST + SPC + Name + Power.
I will be in the Thursday night and Monday night events plus the YO DX
Contest. Hope for good conditions and a lot of fun. This morning, I
worked a very loud China station, BD7KBH on 14051 about 1300Z.
Conditions seem to be definitely improving as we move toward the Autumn
You will notice the absence of scores from N3ZL, Greg. Greg has begun
school at Clemson University. I know we all wish him well in his
studies. He says there is a club station there and he hopes to be QRV
from there from time to time as well as from home on school holidays.
73, John, K4BAI.