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[SECC] K4BAI Claimed Score, 2009 Croatian CW Contest

Subject: [SECC] K4BAI Claimed Score, 2009 Croatian CW Contest
From: k4bai at (John Laney)
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 14:47:09 -0500
                     Croatian CW Contest

Call: K4BAI
Operator(s): K4BAI
Station: K4BAI

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 8:24

  Band  QSOs  Mults
   160:    0     0
    80:   31    11
    40:  126    27
    20:  196    41
    15:    7     5
    10:    0     0
Total:  361    84  Total Score = 102,228

Club: South East Contest Club


FT1000MP, Alpha 78, 1 KW output, TH6DXX, dipole, zepp, inverted vee.  Band
conditions below 15M seemed pretty good.  20M was much better Sunday morning
here than Saturday morning here with good signals from Russia, 
Scandinavia, and
the Baltic states, whereas none of those areas were worked on Saturday. 
  40 and
80M seemed pretty good.  Didn't try 160 as this particular amp doesn't 
seem to
be working on that band.  Will have to hook up the Alpha 91B for Stew 
Perry on
160M this weekend.  Hope to work many of you then.  Thanks for all QSOs. 
Christmas and Happy New Year to all.  73, John, K4BAI.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at:

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