Hello from Arkansas. Hard to believe almost a year has come and gone
but it has, and the 2012 Arkansas QSO Party is just around the corner again.
We appreciate your participation in last year?s event, and hope that you
will join us again this year!
The Arkansas QSO Party is sponsored by ARKAN, The Amateur Radio Klub of
the Arkansas Northwest.
The date/time for this year?s AQP is 1400Z, Sep 8 ? 0200Z, Sep 9.
(Local time: 8am ? 8pm Central time, Saturday Sep 8.)
We have made some improvements this year to make your operating more
enjoyable and submitting your log entry easier:
***We have revised the operating hours for this year?s event so that the
12-hour time period will extend into the early evening hours, thus
making more QSOs possible on 40m and also hopefully on 80m.
***We have a new and revised Summary Sheet that will be very easy to
fill-out when you submit it with your log entry.
***We also formulated the idea to encourage more in-state operation from
Arkansas, to invite other radio clubs in our state to join our flagship
station as a SECOND Bonus Station. The 2nd bonus station that we invite
to participate with us will be on a rotating basis, thus giving other
clubs the opportunity to offer bonus points with us each year.
The 2012 AQP will therefore be featuring TWO Bonus Stations: The ARKAN
station AA5AR, and the 2nd Bonus Station for this year will be the
Benton Area Radio Society station K5NE. Contacting either or both of
these stations once per band and mode will be worth 200 points per QSO.
All forms and other information is available for downloading/printing
at: www.arkanhams.org
We hope you will join us again this year for more fun as we hope to have
an even better event for 2012.
Mark your calendars, C U then, and vy 73!
Don/K5DB, AQP Manager