Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. NCCC NS Sprint Practice, 11/2/12
W4OC 61 29 1,769 SO LP 0.5 SC SECC SO2R
K4BAI 60 22 1,320 SO LP 0.5 GA SECC
2. ARRL CW SS Practice, 11/3/12
K4BAI 36 26 1,872 SO HP 0.5 GA SECC
3. ARRL Sweepstakes CW
N4GG 1111 83 184,426 SO(U)HP 24 GA SECC SO2R
W4OC 692 83 114,872 SO LP 13:13 SC SECC
W4IX 647 81 104,814 SO LP 15.28 SC SECC Missed NLI, ONN
AA4GA 431 80 68,980 SO QRP 20 GA SECC
AE4Y 200 64 25,600 SO LP 4 GA SECC
W4QO 176 63 22,176 SO QRP 5.5 GA SECC
W4ANT 149 66 19,688 SO LP _ SC SECC
4. Ukrainian DX Contest
K4BAI 94 46 11,224 SO HP CW GA SECC
5. Adventure Radio Society November Spartan Sprint
K4BAI 24 24 SO QRP (Tubby) 1.5 GA SECC
This Week's Contests:
1. QRP Fox Hunt 80M Thursday Night local. 0200-0329Z. 5W maximum
power. 3550-3570 kHz CW. Exchange: RST, SPC, Name, Power. Work only
the two foxes, K4AXF (VA) and KI0II (CO).
2. NCCC NS Sprint. 0230-0259Z Thursday night local. 20-160M CW. 100W
maximum power. One kHz QSY rule. Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC.
Usual NS rules this week.
3. Worked All Europe DX Contest, RTTY. 48 hours of Sat/Sun UTC. 80-10M
RTTY. Maximum time 36 hours for single ops. Exchange: RST + QSO #.
Work everyone. QTC feature. May exchange (send or receive) QTC with
any station on a different continent, maximum sent plus received = 10
with any one station.
4. 10-10 International Fall Digital Contest. 48 hours of Sat/Sun UTC.
10M Digital. Exchange: Name + 10-10# (or "0") + SPC.
5. Japan International Phone Contest. 07Z Sat to 12Z Sun. 80-10M SSB.
Exchange: RS + JA prefecture or CQ Zone number.
6. OK-OM DX Contest. 12Z Sat to 12Z Sun. 160-10M CW. Exchange: RST +
serial # or 3 letter OK/OM District Code.
7. Kentucky QSO Party. 160-6M, CW, SSB, Digital. Exchange: RS(T), SPC
or Ky County. Bonus points for QSOs with KY4DXA.
8. Straight Key Century Club Weekend Spritathon. Sunday. 160-6M CW.
Exchange: RST, Name, SPC, SKCC# or "none." Use mechanical key only.
9. QRP Fox Hunt. Tuesday. Same as on 80M Thursday. 7030-7050 kHz.
Foxes are K4BAI (GA) and WC7S (WY).
10. CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests. Three separate mini tests. Wednesday
local date. 13Z. 19Z. 03Z (Thurs). 160-10M CW. Exchange: Name + CWT#
or SPC.
Hope everyone has a good week and weekend and a lot of QSOs. 73, John,