The officers of SECC, acting as a nominating committee have solicited
applicants for club officers for next year and have conferred and offer
the following officers for the 2013-2014 year:
President: K4BAI
Vice President: VE7ZO
Secretary: N3ZL
Treasurer: W4MJA
The voting will be by e-mail sent privately to k4bai at k4bai at
and will close at 5 PM EDT on Friday, July 12, 2013. All members of the
club are eligible and encouraged to vote. You may vote for the slate or
for any number of candidates on the slate and you may "write in" the
name/call of any member for any of the offices. A roster of members is
on the club's web page.
It is my intent to announce the result of the election by Monday July
15, 2013. Thank you for your continued interest in and support of the
South East Contest Club.
73, John, K4BAI
For the nominating committee consisting of K4BAI, VE7ZO, N3ZL, and N4XL.