I registered the team as follows: K4BAI, AA4CF, KU8E, NN4K, AD8J, N4OX,
WJ9B, N4FP, N5ZO, N4PN. I didn't get an immediate acknowledgement from
the sponsor. If I don't get one soon, I'll e-mail NW2K to be sure we
are on the team list.
This should be a terrific team. I know we will all operate as much as
possible and make as high a score as possible. We should be good
competition for the other full or almost full time teams.
Thanks for participating. Be sure to post your claimed score to 3830.
You may put your team in the Cabrillo header of your log, but you are
not required to do so, as the teams will be picked up from the
pre-contest registration. 3830 will have a drop box for you to select
the SECC team from a list of teams.
You can still put your own club in the Cabrillo header if you like. It
is good advertising.
73, John, K4BAI.
I have already e-mailed NW2K and will re-register the team if he advises
to do so.