This weekend will be four QSO parties. 7 land, Indiana, New England and
Delaware. N1MM+ will allow you to log the first three in one conetest
file and you can submit the lot to each sponsor and they will break out
their QSOs. I don't think you will know your claimed scores unless you
manually calculate, but it will keep up with dupes, etc. Be sure to
show your club in the header to each Cabrillo file you submit as
follows: "South East Contest Club." Do not abbreviate it as "SECC."
A message from Tim, AB4B, to ACG reminds their members that they won the
out of state club plaque for NEQP last year and this is the second time
they have won it. This effort is usually led by Bob, WA1FCN, who is a
former New Englander himself.
Our club has won a number of club competitions and two medium sized club
plaques in ARRL Sweepstakes. We have also won the club competition for
the TN QSO Party, I believe. So, please remember to make as many points
as your available time will permit and submit your logs to the sponsors
and have a lot of fun in the process.
73, John, K4BAI.