Georgia QSO Party
Call: KB4ET
Operator(s): KB4ET
Station: KB4ET
Class: SOABMixed LP
QTH: Florida
Operating Time (hrs): 3
Band CW Qs Ph Qs
80: 9 0
40: 16 6
Total: 27 6 CW Mults = 20 Ph Mults = 6 Total Score = 1,508
Club: Florida Contest Group
Had to shut down for first 3 hours of GQP due to T-Storms moving through. Then
had to deal with QRN afterwards. Internal keyer went berserk on Sunday so, had
some ups and downs.. Could not hear the GA stations at all above 40 mtrs due to
my close proximity to GA. Based on what I could hear it sounded like a lot of
mobile and fixed activity from the GA group. Congratulations are due on a fine
effort !