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FW: [SECC] Field Day

Subject: FW: [SECC] Field Day
From: (Hoeft, Roger V)
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 11:34:08 -0500
WHAT??!!  Haven't you guys heard of "family planning?"  There are no babies to 
be had during the heart of contest season.  I'm sure it's written in the SECC 
by-laws somewhere.  Where's the club Secretary?!!! By golly, he oughtta know 
about this.  Certainly our club scores will suffer from these, these ... 
events.  Where's your team spirit??!!!!

Y'know, back in 9-land, babies born in October - November were usually the 
result of either a bad winter storm / blizzard or New Year's eve.  Hmmm.  I 
don't recall any winter storms down here in early January ...

Seriously though, best wishes to you, Bill and Gordon on the upcoming births.  
A few months of cool finals in exchange for years of joyous "harmonic 
distortion" is FB by me any day.  Babies are always a good sign that this world 
is a good place to be.  Or else they wouldn't be making them.

73 es Good Luck.

        Roger ...
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Fisher, W4AN []
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 2:37 PM
To: Macie, Gordon
Cc: Bill Coleman;
Subject: RE: [SECC] Field Day

> I have a baby
> on the way with a due date of Nov 1.. so that maybe a conflict for me

Me too.  How weird. 

No contests for me this fall.  



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