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[SECC] Claimed Score, Last Weekend's Contests

Subject: [SECC] Claimed Score, Last Weekend's Contests
From: aa4lr at (Bill Coleman)
Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2005 19:21:45 -0500
On Mar 31, 2005, at 10:22 PM, Neal Sulmeyer wrote:

> Sorry, but I never hear you ask if the freq was in use.  I have looked
> back in the log and I was on 21243 starting at 2045Z, worked you at
> 2140Z.  So I was on that frequency for about an hour at that point.
> Apparently, with my antenna point at JA I just did not hear you.  When
> we QSO's I had to switch to my south antenna to copy you.  Then 
> switched
> back and never heard you again.

I heard you just the same regardless of what antenna you were using.

You were not on the frequency for at least 1 minute or more when you 
asked me for my call. I had asked if the frequency was in use (TWICE!) 
and had called CQ for nearly a minute. I heard no transmissions from 
you at that time, and I was listening frequently. It seems presumptuous 
for you to start calling CQ after working me.

I did have two other run-ins with people vacating a run frequency to 
chase something on a second radio. In one case, CT7B was calling CQ and 
just disappeared. I called CQ on his frequency, and when he came back, 
we worked and I QSY'd. (I did ask him where he went, and he admitted 
working the other radio)

> I know how aggravating it is to have someone "steal" the frequency.
> YT6M got exactly on my frequency without even asking if it was clear.
> He was S9 plus and never even acknowledged my pleas for him to QSY. I
> toughed it out for about 20min before he gave up.  I think I worked
> about 15 QSOs to his 1 during his attempt.

I stayed on the 15m frequency for 10 minutes. Rate was too lousy to 
stay - but I did work 3-5 contacts.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
             -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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