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[SECC] Irrigation Pipe.

Subject: [SECC] Irrigation Pipe.
From: (Macie, Gordon)
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 17:08:53 -0500
OK... Got an update from someone I called about pipe..=20
He had quoted me 3.75 a foot for 3". That didn't make it very attractive =
compared to Rohn 25..=20
He is now quoting=20
3 "    .05 wall  1.15 foot
        .065       2.17 foot
4"     .05 wall   1.66 foot
        .072 wall  2.46 foot
comes in 20, 30 or 40' lengths.. Shipping is $75 for as much as I want =
.. I still not sure this is worth pursuing but it's been interesting..
Gordon N4LR

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