Please join me in welcoming John Getz, AD8J as SECC's most recent member.
John currently lives in Asheville, NC and has been on the air since 1963.
His favorite operating activity is contesting. Since he moved into a condo
development that does not allow him to put up an antenna, he's been
operating as a mobile or rover in the state contests. He worked in TV up
until about 16 years ago and was a chief engineer for 10 years. John is
retired and now runs a home based travel agency, John's Travel and Cruises.
He specializes in Caribbean travel and scuba trips.
John's e-mail address is johngetz24 at
John, we sincerely hope that you'll find the SECC to your liking and if
there is anything I can answer for you, please don't hesitate to contact me.
73' and Welcome......Fred, WW4LL
SECC Secretary