I will be running the KW mobile in the SC contest on Saturday. I hope to
have a big score going towards our entry in the club competition. Please
get on as you have time and remember to list SECC on your entry. Here is
the time/route that I will try to follow. I will be by myself so will not
be operating as I change counties. I'll be on both CW and SSB. I like to
start each county on 20/40 CW and then QSY to SSB when things slow down.
1400 ? 1440 Lexington Rt 1 GPS Batesburg
1450 ? 1530 Saluda Rt 1S
1540 - 1620 Atkins Rt 1S I-20W (1exit) 19/25N
1630 ? 1710 Edgefield Rt 19/25N 378W
1725 ? 1805 McCormick Rt 28N
1820 ? 1900 Abbeville Rt 28N 72 E
1915 - 1955 Greenwood Rt 72E
2010 ? 2050 Laurens Rt 72E
2105 ? 2145 Newberry Rt 72E
2200 - 2240 Union Rt 72E
2255 ? 2355 Chester Rt 72E + 80 meters
0005 ? 0035 Union Rt 72W 80 meters
0050 ? 0120 Newberry Rt 72W 80 meters
0135 ? 0205 Laurens Rt 72W 80 meters
0230 ? 0200 Spartanburg I-26N 80 meters
0200 ? 0300 Extra time if needed
John Getz
?, AD8J?
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