I did 15M single band this year. Conditions as you all know were
exceptional on 15. Can't say for the low bands as I did not even venture
any where else.
I had lots of great multipliers call me including, JW5E was QSO # 16.
Others include: UA0SR (Z18),VU2WAP,
This was my personal best in a single band entry.
1809 Q 40 Z 157 cty score 1,002,730
Station: HB 6el Mono at 93', 3el fixed SE at 70', and 3el fixed SW as 45'
(By the ARRL test I should have my 5 over 5 stack)
FT1000MP, LK800 amp, and WRITELOG 10.48F!
Note to ED, K4SB: it was ZD8I not ZD8Z! That was the touhgest pile-up I was
Neal, K4EA