Some comments after using TR ver 6.51 in SAC SSB from SK3W.
We used four computers connected together. The network was running without
errors trough the whole contest, and we did not need to reboot any computer
during the 24 hours.
As usual the station was setup just before the contest and configuration was
done in a few minutes. Two radios interfaced and packet connected to the
1) MULTI INFO MESSAGE: For the two NOT interfaced radios, we put the RUN
frequency in the CALL window and hit ENTER +F1 to broadcast it to the other
computers. This worked most of the time, except for some times when we
needed to repeat the "FQ+ENTER+F1" sequence a couple of times to be sure it
reached all computers. Not sure what the problem was.
The RATE meter was not working OK for us. We got the same rate, equals to
total rate, on all stations.
2) Messages to other stations:
To use the double quote key sends a message to other computers in the
network. The message line that show up is not so easy to see, and if
messages comes in fast, or at the same time they are usually ignored by the
operators. The option to get the last five msgs, CTRL-HOME, was not used so
often by the operators since it requires you to hit CTRL-HOME again to
update the window.
The OLD method at SK3W, to use CTRL-N and put a note in the log, seams to be
the most efficient and that gets the required attention by all operators
when we want to pass a multiplier very fast.
Administrative requests:
Feature Wishlist: