I have not had a problem running TRSMALL
I unzipped "trsmall" and installed it in a new directory (C:\ARRL-SS), then
added the ARRL Section data (downloaded from the following website):
Also have added the CTY.DAT file (you can either use an existing one from
your most recent TR-log contest effort, or you can download one of several
from the following website): http://www.k1ea.com/cty/index.htm
Then I typed TR and stepped thru setting up a new contest.... and voile' t
seems to work! At least it reads the FREQ from the interface to the FT817,
and the ALT-V/B up/down commands control the XCVR. I can tell you better
HOW WELL it works after the contest ..... but in the mneantime, I can
confirm that it did not seize up, or lock up, in any way.
Computer is a 66mHz 486 with Windows 95 boot-to-dos, smartdrv.exe installed.
Alan Kaul, W6RCL, LaCanada, CA