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[Trlog] Now you see it... and now you don't...

Subject: [Trlog] Now you see it... and now you don't...
From: rrossi at (Ron D. Rossi)
Date: Mon Mar 10 13:49:01 2003
>I don't think that database issues are among important ones, and we already
>discussed the matter several months ago, so I'd just like to add some new
> ...
>into ASCII one?  In the ASCII file I saw some busted "calls", say Z32  =H1,
>ZW5,  YU1, etc. After erasing them, converting the database into .DTA and
>reconverting back into .ASC format, those "calls" #reappear#!

IMPORTANT NOTE! I have not done any debug of this phenomenon at all. I only 
comment on this as an observer having noticed this behaviour in the past.

If you edit a DTA file using POST an ASCII file is created in the process in 
the directory you run POST from. If you then ask for an ASCII to be created or 
look in the 'temporary' ASCII file the file does not contain the changes. The 
resulting DTA created when you leave the procedure does.

If you leave POST, erase the previously created ASCII file, run POST again and 
create an ASCII file, then the calls will be there. At least this is how I 
remember it working for me. I offer no explanation at this time :) :)

73 es God Bless de KK1L...ron rossi( <><
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QTH: Jericho, Vermont
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