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[TRLog] TR 6.64 comments...

Subject: [TRLog] TR 6.64 comments...
From: (Soro Roberto)
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 16:46:17 +0200
Fisrt of all a BIG thanks to Ron
for his huge work!

Now the band map is quite superb.

A couple of things that sound strange to me.
Just paly a bit with the spot file,
I found these mismatches:

after working the following stations the spot still stay
on the band map unchanged (smiley faced):
40M  IK5ABH/P (displayed on the Band Map as IK5AIH/)
10M  T93M/HI9 (displayed on the band map as T93M/HI)

if you select them to work them again, TR says DUPE, but they
aren't removed from the map.

Another thing just related to documentation,
the setting of BAND MAP SPLIT MODE = ALWAYS PHONE is possible only
from Ctrl-J and not from the cfg file.
(but that's really minor)

Bob,I2WIJ (also IR2V in contest)





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