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[TenTec] CT 9.37 and OMNI-VI+

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] CT 9.37 and OMNI-VI+
From: kg5u@hal-pc.org (Dale L. Martin)
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 1998 12:45:00 -0500

>For some strange reason the OMNI-VI is not a favorite of

Pardon me???!!!

I use it for contesting and enjoy it thoroughly and without fault
or glitch.
Also, I use TRLog software.

>don't think that Ken has spent a lot of time finding a

Maybe that's a clue as to the source of the problem.

>Mebbe a call to TT is in order....

No, Jim. I think a call to Ken (CT) is in order.  Or better, a
call to George Fremin, K5TR, or Tree, N6TR to get TR Log software
is in order.

dale, kg5u

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