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[TenTec] Re: WTB 250 Hz Filter

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Re: WTB 250 Hz Filter
From: royanjoy@ncn.net (Roy Koeppe)
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 16:25:43 -0500
FYI, about:

"Hi everyone,

I'm looking to fill out my filter selections on my Omni V and need the
250 hz filter"

Since you said THE 250 Hz filter, maybe you aren't aware there are two
of them available from TT--an optional 500 Hz center freq instead of the
screechy sounding 700 Hz "usual" one.

I love the 500 Hz centered one! I gave away the old 700 Hz centered
version. (Hope I didn't lose a friend in so doing!).

Roy              K6XK

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