On Tue, 2007-03-06 at 18:59 -0500, Gary Hoffman wrote:
> Active cooling might well be an answer. Not just a fan, but how about a TEC
> device ? If there were wide enough interest I could perhaps offer a design
> as this sort of thing is what I do (thermodynamics).
> 73 de Gary, AA2IZ
There may be more efficient and economical techniques. Such as low drop
regulators using MOSFETs or going to switching supplies. Wouldn't moving
100 watts average from a pass transistor require more than 100 watts of
input power to the TEC that still has to be dissipated at the hot side
of the TEC in addition to the heat from the pass transistor?
73, Jerry, K0CQ,
All content copyright Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer
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