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[TenTec] New 60 mtr band

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] New 60 mtr band
From: KD7EFQ@aol.com (KD7EFQ@aol.com)
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 19:47:42 EDT
As many of you are aware, the rumor is we are supposed to be getting a new
band, 60 mtrs ( 5.25-5.4mhz). We also know that the latest and greatest new
rig, the ORION is becoming available. However, unlike many of you who have a
6 figure income or better, (and can afford a new kilobuck rig every time they 
out with one) Many of us ( like myself ) cannot afford to, and are going to 
to stick with our now outdated (hi hi) OMNI 6 & 6+ rigs. Now's the kicker, I 
Ten Tec if they were going to offer a 60mtr upgrade for the 6+ and the reply 
"we have no plans to."  A black eye to Ten Tec's Reputation of product 
Maybe if there's enough interest shown by us OMNI users, maybe they will re-
consider. I also spoke to the people at INRAD, and they at least said they 
look into it, although it won't be an easy mod. Just some food for thought. 
Todd  KD7EFQ  

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