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[TenTec] re: Ethernet to RS232 adapters

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] re: Ethernet to RS232 adapters
From: kw0d@netexpress.net (Dave Kamp, KW0D)
Date: Mon Jun 2 10:50:23 2003
At 09:05 PM 06/01/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>I know that the embeded systems market has very INexpensive solutions.
>I wish I knew a Ham engineer who would take on this kind of an
>interesting project:

Yep- they are expensive little boxes.  Silly thing is, I had a friend turn
one of my old junque machines into a wonderful box that puts my packet TNC
on my network.  I just telnet to 192.168.blah.blah, and a window opens up,
and I'm connected to my TNC in the way-back-building and and checking for
spots on the cluster.

The software is called Eth2Serial, and the box is running a one-floppy-disk
version of Linux.  I just turn it on, and it starts... no keyboard, no
screen... just a box with an RS-232 port and a floppy disk.

DK  :-)
73's from KW0D Dave in LeClaire, Iowa
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