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Re: [TenTec] Opinions

To: Ten Tec <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Opinions
From: Paul Gates <kd3jf@hotmail.com>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 01:22:19 -0400
List-post: <tentec@contesting.com">mailto:tentec@contesting.com>

I am not so sure it is bad news. I well remember the problems TenTec had with 
the first Orion and I would read the complaints listed. I decided then I would 
never be tempted to get an Orion. I am a supporter of TenTec and my rig that I 
use every day is a TenTec. I imagine I had most every TenTec Radio that was 
manufacturerd in 70's and 80's.Paul Gates, KD3JF

> Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2013 20:35:06 -0400
> From: jrichards@k8jhr.com
> To: tentec@contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Opinions
> On 7/5/2013 5:42 PM, PC Anderson wrote:
> ends, everyone has one. There have been many opinions here on these 
> pages since the bad news.
>       Geeze, Andy,  why is it such bad news?
> > I embarked on a dream. An all American and an all TenTec station.
> > I now have an Orion llAT, all filters ... 963 ...
> 709 mic... 302 keypad.... Centurion Amp, 238B tuner.
> My pride is a TT526, aka 6n2.
>       Wow... but your dream has already come true!
>       How is your station compromised because they
>       cannot make more O IIs?
>       Your Orion II did not lose value, or stop
>       working or diminished in any way because
>       TT ceased production of new units.  In fact,
>       it just MIGHT increase in value because it
>       has just become more RARE and hard to get.
>       I have an old GUILD guitar I purchased for
>       around $250 back in the late 1970s.  Still
>       in good condition, it was just appraised for
>       close to $1400.  They quit making this model
>       thirty years ago, but I don't feel slighted
>       by that in any way.
>       So, maybe your rig will increase in value
>       as time marches on.   Why be sad... this
>       might be the best investment you ever made!
> This gem took me to a first place in EPA section Jan 2012, single band 
> single op class. Not bad for a rig that TenTen also dropped.
>       Why despair... nearly all contests won in
>       the past were won on radios that are no
>       longer made.  Your radio still works as
>       well as it ever did.  Besides, if there
>       are fewer of them out there, you will
>       have a competitive edge.  I would not
>       mind buying the last Ferrari ever made...
> > This is the only equipment I own.
>       I also have an all-TenTec station  (OK...I
>       also have a radio made by another company)
>       but I won't feel cheated or slighted if TT
>       ceases production of any of my radios... in
>       fact they dropped the Jupiter and I have one.
>       It works just as well now as it did while
>       the model was still in production - and so
>       will your radio.
>       My first "novice" station includes:
>       Omni VII,  Jupiter,  Centurion,  238C tuner,
>       Model 1254 receiver kit,   Model 1253 kit,      
>       Model 1225 SWR meter kit,  RX-320D,  Model 715
>       processor,  Model 777 headset (although I sold
>       it to one of the guys on the list),  963 Power
>       Supply,  some TT adapters, etc.  There is not
>       much more I could buy, other than the Eagle,
>       or the microphone equalizer, maybe.
>       It has been a good ride, too, I am luck to
>       have started out with some really good stuff,
>       and I have always been confident and proud
>       to describe my station equipment to other
>       guys.
>       I will still feel that way after they cease
>       production of the various models I own.
> > Will continue to check into the net on Sundays with my obsolete Oll.
>       You are kidding, right?
>       Why is the rig "obsolete" - it still works
>       as well as it always did, and should gain
>       value over time.
> -------------------  K8JHR  ------------------
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