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[TenTec] Check this out!

To: <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Check this out!
From: kg5u@hal-pc.org (Dale L Martin)
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 10:58:54 -0600
Earlier this past week, I received a note via another local area reflector
from a ham who found the ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs (2001 version) on
sale at Barnes&Noble's Bookstop bookstore up in Houston for $8.00.  That's
right.  $8.00.

I checked my local B&N down in the Clear Lake area of Houston (near the
space center) and found their copy marked at $32.  I asked the guy at the
Info counter about it and he checked the computer.  It came up telling him
it was $32.  He said that different stores are allowed to put different
books on sale.

I went up to the Houston store two days later and picked up the last copy.
It, too was tagged as $32, but at the checkout counter, the computer said
$8.00.  With my Bookstop reader's card, it was further reduced to $5.20.

This is apparently some sort of unannounced/unadvertised sale going on in
B&N/BS.  I've gotten a couple of e-mails from others around the Houston area
and they picked up handbooks at other B&N/BS stores.  I posted this note on
another favorite reflector and received a note from a ham in Oklahoma City
who found the same thing: $8.00 for the handbook.

So, if you have a B&N or BS near you, it may be worthwhile to check it out.

Even if the tag says $32, be sure to take it to the front checkout counter
(do NOT take it to the information counter...I don't believe they have the
sale prices shown there, so they are going to tell you what's on the tag)
and have them scan it and confirm whether it is a sale item.

I don't know when the 'sale' ends, but enough of the stores in the Houston
area makes me think that this might be nationwide or regional.

I wanted to share this with fellow TRLog users as partial payback for the
help I've received here over the past few years.

Oh yeah...The Computer Interface section of the handbook describes the
construction of a serial interface unit suitable for use with Ten-Tec
equipment. (there....this note is now Ten-Tec-related).


Dale L. Martin, KG5U

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