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[TenTec] HF Xcvr, Cables, boxes, and more FS

To: TenTec List at contesting <tentec@contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] HF Xcvr, Cables, boxes, and more FS
From: "Ken, W8EK" <kenw8ek@gmail.com>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec@contesting.com>
Date: Sat, 30 May 2020 19:33:51 -0400
List-post: <mailto:tentec@contesting.com>
TenTec Delta II Model 536 HF Transceiver,
cables, boxes, and more For Sale:


Ten-Tec Delta II model 536 Transceiver

The Delta II is a synthesized hf transceiver
with general coverage receive and 100 watts
output, continuously variable selectivity, 48
memories, dual digital VFOs, and computer
control. It includes a speech processor and
VOX, notch filter, and passband tuning.
Modes include CW, SSB, AFSK RTTY and FM.

It is the high power version of the Argonaut II
model 535. One can just turn the power down
from the front panel for QRP work if you want.

Receiver coverage is 100 KHz to 29.999.99 MHz.
The rig runs on 12 to 14 volts DC from your
power supply or auto.

Sideband bandwidth is continuously adjustable
from 2.5 KHz to 500 Hz, which is amazingly useful,
plus there are wider filters for AM and FM.
This radio was designed so there are no extra
filters to buy.

Cabinet size is 3.75" X 9.75" X 14" HWD,
12 pounds, 7 oz
Original price was about $1400.

This particular unit appears to be new.
Apparently the silent key did not use it at all,
or if he did it is impossible to tell.
It works 100% and there are absolutely no defects.
It is still in its original box.

It includes power cable, and manual, plus the
card with menu commands, and the original
multicolor sales brochure.

Get all of this for only $525.


Microphone Cables:

These cables can be used with the TenTec Regal
707, or with many of the Heil microphones
(all of them that use an XLR-4 connector,
which is most of them), and likely others.

XLR-4 to round 8 pin connector wired for
TenTec/Yaesu, about 8 feet long.  $25

XLR-4 to round 8 pin connector wired for
Kenwood, about 8 feet long.  $25


TenTec Model 48-15-800 Wall wart power supply
15 V DC at 800 ma $15


TenTec Original Boxes

These are original boxes only,
and do not include the equipment.
Inserts are included.

TenTec AC-5 QRP Antenna Tuner $8
TenTec KR-2 Keyer Paddles $5
TenTec 561 Corsair $30
TenTec 604 Keyer Paddles $5
TenTec 962 PS $20
TenTec 255 PS $20

These are original boxes only.

I also have many other accessories available such as many
different types of microphones, HTs, VHF and UHF rigs, HF
and VHF/UHF antennas, connectors, miscellaneous accessories,
Just too many to list here. Please e-mail your requests.


Prices do not include shipping from Florida.



Ken, W8EK

Ken Simpson
E-mail to W8EK@FLHam.net or W8EK@arrl.net
Voice Phone (352) 732-8400


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