I'd say every minute spent improving your low band receive antenna(s) is well
spent. An example for me.
I always had trouble receiving DX to the west (i.e. JA, VK, ZL etc). Others
nearby would work them and I'd not. Late last year I got busy and built a W8JI
style (as written up nicely by Joel, W5ZN) 8 antenna receive circle array.
First one I built was for 160. Second for 80 as the 160 worked so well.
Yes, a LOT of work as all the 160 and half the 80 are in the woods. Difficult
to place antennas in a circle when measuring through the trees. But, with
patience and a very sharp chain on the chain saw, made it happen. Let me say
this, its not terribly easy carrying a 24' piece of Al pipe through the woods
(my elements are made of 2 5/8 inch Al pipe. I had a nearby source for very
little money. Hugely overkill but....).
Once it was up and going 160 became an even more fun band. For example, this
season, throughout the summer months, I was able to work, almost daily, VK, ZL
and some JA. Fun and satisfying to have a station that now works much, much
better. Same excellent results on 80.
Sure, most folks don't have room for this kind of array but a good working
beverage or bog will pay dividends. Or, the Waller flag, K9AY array or any of
the many other choices.
Put in the effort and you will be rewarded.
See you in the ARRL 160.
Ron, N4XD
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