Taking part in the SP was nice, but ...
how to QSO with JAs in our evening hours, if 1810 ... 1825 is full of european
big gun CQ_callers, having very short RXing gaps only ?
Yes, I can hear JAs and yes, I can be heard by JAs in normal cases. But, I'm
not equiped to competite with the big guns in holding frequencies by calling CQ
for hours. As a result, I copied different JAs while their QSOs with calling
EUs as far as the EUs kept listening. No chance to hear / to reach the JAs
after. There was 1 exception only: JA3YBK (thank You so much!). He struggeled
hard to get my grid info.
I'm really interested in the ratio number "JAs per hour for CQ_calling
stations" vs. "JAs per hour for searching & pouncing stations". It seems to me,
that the primary effect of CQ_calling stations was to prevent others from
JA_QSOs; sorry.
Concerning NAs in our morning hours, the situation was slightly different; the
usefull frequency range is larger and it looks like different EUs lost their
focus due to low band DXconds.
Never the less, I will take part also in upcoming SP and will keep my dreams on
getting JAs.
73 de Thomas, DL1AMQ
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