I don't think that topbander.com (and the DXCC
award)is really a yardstick for performance. I know
some guys that have worked & confirmed over 100
countries on topband and have never applied for the
160 DXCC or entered data into topbander.com. I
personally have 134 confirmed but have never gotten
around to applying for the award and maybe I never
will. I also know a fellow that has over 300 confirmed
but never applied any award. BTW, I consider my
station a "small" one on topband. I have a single
vertical, no RX anrennas at present, and only a half
acre lot. On the positive side, I can run a KW on
topband if necessary and do live on the East Coast.
73, Stew K3ND
> is surprising to look at the who's who list at
> topbander.com and see how
> few 100w stations have worked DXCC.
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