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Topband: Adding 80 m to 160 m quarterwave vertical

To: Topband <>
Subject: Topband: Adding 80 m to 160 m quarterwave vertical
From: List Mail <>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2021 13:11:26 +1000
List-post: <>
I have up and operational a vertical for 160 m. It’s about 30 m of 250 mm 
triangular mast (Deeco) topped by about 5 m of 50 mm aluminium mast with a 
small top hat to resonate around 1840 kHz. Fed directly above the base 
insulator, it presents a reasonable match across the band, with about 32 ohms 
at resonance.
I also want to operate 80 m DX. So far, I’ve been experimenting with a wire, 
offset by 1 metre, about 20.2 m long, parallel to the mast. I’ve tried 
grounding the 160 m mast and feeding the wire separately, floating the mast and 
feeding separately, various L-matches, and now feeding in parallel with the 
main mast with no matching. The latter gives me a reasonable match on the CW 
end of the band, and it doesn’t affect the 160 m operation.
The complicating factor is the approximately halfwave antenna on 80 m in close 
proximity to the wire.
Previously, I had a mast about 22 m high, fed through a series capacitor for 80 
m, with an offset wire going up to a top hat at the top of the mast for 160 m. 
That seemed to work ok. Now I have the reverse situation.
I made a couple of QSO on the 80 m DX window last week, with the offset wire 
about 19 m long, and it seemed to work ok. But my interest is not SSB DX. 
Adding lumped constants to try and match that wire on the CW end of the band 
didn’t work as expected, i.e., some base loading to bring down the resonant 
frequency, presumably due to the effect of the tower, grounded or floating. I 
lengthened the wire to resonate on the lower end of 80 m and made a few CW QSO, 
but either it’s performance or the propagation was disappointing.
After all that, I’m getting a bit lost. What arrangements have been 
successfully used by others? Again, I have a near-enough to quarter wave 
base-insulated 160 m vertical, and want to operate also on 80 m CW, with a 
secondary priority of SSB DX Window.
73, Luke VK3HJ.

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