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Topband: Patience in ARRL 160 Contest

To: "TopBand" <>
Subject: Topband: Patience in ARRL 160 Contest
From: "David Raymond" <>
Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2012 15:11:32 -0600
List-post: <">>
Fellow Lowbanders and Contesters. . .

I'm reminded of some not so new wisdom from operating the contest last night.  
Big stations, don't forget to listen for the weak signals.  It may be well be 
DX calling you among the cacophony of stateside callers.  It pays periodically 
to stop and ask for DX.  That encourages our DX friends to participate in the 
contest. . .and you may well be rewarded.

You smaller stations, particularly QRP, most of the bigger stations will really 
work hard to pull you through for a successful QSO.  Please be patient and 
don't mind being repeatedly asked to give your call again.  Many topbanders 
have multiple antennas in the arsenal, one of which might be the one to pull 
out your call coming from a 5w transmitter going to your 40m dipole.  There 
were some incredibly weak stateside signals last night which took some time to 
get, but a little patience on both ends can bring mutual success.  

Contest conditions last night were surprisingly good.  I purposely avoided 
using the TX array and dropped the power to about 700w and ran on the 1/4 
vertical (an omni antenna is nice during the contest anyway).  My thought was 
to be weak enough to avoid having EU call me and not being able to hear them 
through all the stateside callers.  Well, thankfully, conditions were good and 
EU called anyway.  It was a exciting to have F, G, LA, OK, ON, S51, and others 
call in (at which time I upped the power and went to the TX array).   I did, 
periodically, try to stop the run and call for DX and several times and, on 
several occasions, found an EU station waiting patiently to work me.  If one of 
us stateside is asking for DX, it would be great for NA callers to stand down 
for just a moment.  Most did but some persisted in calling anyway, sometimes 
blocking an apparent EU caller. 

And lastly, a word about the DX window.  The DX window is something that is 
mutually beneficial and give our DX friends a limited (darn limited with only a 
5 KHz) window to be heard.  It's simple. . .ignoring this only discourages DX 

I slept in this morning and missed what must have been some terrific conditions 
to JA.  Hope we have some more great conditions tonight and in the morning.

73 and see you on the air. . .Dave
Topband reflector -

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