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Re: Topband: Quarter wave sloper ?

Subject: Re: Topband: Quarter wave sloper ?
From: Jean-Paul Albert via Topband <>
Reply-to: Jean-Paul Albert <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2024 09:24:58 +0200
List-post: <>
Working well but I killed twice the 3 elt 40 m KLM rotator (T2X) with power. 
Legal US power !



F6FYA depuis son iPhone

> Le 28 juil. 2024 à 06:04, Jim Brown <> a écrit :
> On 7/27/2024 6:59 PM, jim.thom wrote:
>> Quarter wave sloper ?
>> Just to be xtal clear, when I said 1/4 wave sloper,
> Yes, and that's been a popular way to do it. I chose another, and described 
> it. It is, indeed, a quarter wave, and it slopes.
> BTW -- those rods under the tower are an effective earth connection for 
> lightning. But they are NOT a low-impedance path for RF, simply because the 
> earth is a big resistor.
> The only function of an earth connection for transmitting antennas is 
> lightning protection. The earth is a big resistor. The functions of radials 
> are 1) to SCREEN (shield) the field produced by the antenna from lossy earth; 
> and 2) to provide a low resistance path for the antenna's return current. A 
> counterpoise provides only the second function.
> N6LF has been publishing some excellent work on radial systems, describing an 
> interactive research process wherein he models various conditions, then built 
> and measured them extensively, revising his model or modeling different 
> variables, depending what he learned in the measurements, and so on. It is 
> excellent engineering, and has given me many new understandings/insights of 
> why radial systems behave the way they do. Many of us consider it the most 
> important work on LF antennas in fifty years.
> The 2009 series on ground systems and the 2012 series on elevated radial 
> systems are the material I find so worthwhile. Grab them and settle in with a 
> nice Scotch.
> 73, Jim K9YC
> _________________
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