I think we should listen to W1BB on the subject of inverted L 3/8 and also
the inverted L 1/2 wave is also a excellent ant. Why does the computer say
the 1/4 L has a lower angle, maybe because the computer shows a perfect
ground system with the 1/4. I always thought the angle would go down until
the antenna lenght would reach 5/8 wave and then go back up. I would think
that still would work on bent vertical antennas from 1/4 up to 5/8 wave.
Anyway back when chasing DX on 160 was tough in the 60s and 70s loran and
power limits of about 100 watts out. the longer inverted Ls were outdoing the
bent 1/4 verticals. talk to some of the old timers on this. Jim Graham