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Topband: I don't need no more stinking noise!

To: Topband Reflector <>
Subject: Topband: I don't need no more stinking noise!
From: Kenneth Grimm <>
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2006 17:06:44 -0500
List-post: <>
As I prepare to move to a rural and undoubtedly much quieter location 
for top band DXing, I am doing my best to not introduce any noise makers 
that can be avoided.  My old color TV has just about given up making 
color, so a new HDTV is in the offing.  I would appreciate hearing about 
the experiences of top banders with the new large screen HDTV 
models...rear projection, LCD, plasma...both in terms of "no discernible 
noise" all the way to "avoid this one like the plague."  If you would 
reply directly to , I will summarize and post the good/bad 
news.  Thanks.

HNY to all,


Ken K4XL

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