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Re: Topband: SP Contest

Subject: Re: Topband: SP Contest
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 14:36:25 -0700
List-post: <>
On 3/9/2025 1:52 PM, Steve Harrison wrote:
most of the east coast seemed to be having
lots of trouble copying westerners although they were strong out here.

My experience on Topband is that all the east coast seems interested in is EU. Many are listening with arrays focused on EU, and those with transmitting arrays transmitting in that direction. When prop to EU dies, they go to bed. Add to that the increased noise levels from electronic power-handling, like SMPS power supplies and chargers, variable-speed motor controllers, and solar systems.

All of which is why I've been increasingly losing interest in Topband contesting over the years. 10-15 years ago, I got to 47 states for WAS on Topband QRP (5 W), all CW, when noise levels were much lower, and enough east coast stations listened west after EU shut down. The only state I've been able to add since was WV, using JT65. The states I'm missing are SC and VT. And the big gun VT Topbanders have always been deaf to the west -- they're hard to work legal limit with a 100 ft Tee vertical!

73, Jim K9YC
Santa Cruz, CA

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