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Re: Topband: Stew Beef

Subject: Re: Topband: Stew Beef
From: K4OWR <>
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2016 14:02:51 -0500
List-post: <">>
:::: Your contention that a few hours of a contest "interferes" with DX'ing, QRP, and digital is ridiculous since it provides many more opportunities to pursue those very activities by providing contacts when there is typically very little to behad. I've never noticed any amount of activity, specifically on 160, on a non contest weekend, that would be impacted since there typically is hardly any...again, specifically on 160 meters.

On 1/3/2016 1:54 PM, Michael St. Angelo wrote:
The Stew Perry contest is one of the better ones but I agree with Larry and
Joe.  Contests  tend to take over the band and interferes with other form of
operation such as DX'ing, QRP and probably Digital operators.

What is missing is that we don't have a "WARC" type MF band which is free of
contest operation.

Maybe we could compromise. Is it possible to limit the SP to a portion of
the band that does not interfere with the DX, QRP and Digital frequencies?

Mike N2MS

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Joe
Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2015 3:49 PM
To: 'Larry Burke';
Subject: Re: Topband: Stew Beef

Well, since it is a public forum I have to side with Larry on this.  I am a
contester and enjoy mostly top band operating but I would have to agree that
too much of a good thing gets old quick.  It used to be that you looked
forward to the SP, but warm-ups, pre-warmups etc. seem to carry the theme
too far.
- Joe K8FC

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Larry
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Stew Beef

Fortunately participation is not mandatory for those who have had enough.
Ah, but that's exactly my point. Those with a limited or no interest in this
event DO have to "participate" in it by virtue of the additional weekend of
chaos that it causes.

- Larry K5RK

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